What is the 30 Days of Worship Challenge? Over the next 30 days we’re shifting our focus and attention to the goodness of God in though music, books, reading plans, time, and community.
Why? Because we know when we shift our focus to worship Jesus, that shapes the rest of our life to be in harmony with what He is doing; our friendships, our marriages, our relationships, our work, our school, our time.
At the end of this 30 days we don’t expect to ever be the same!
WEEK 1 - February 18
For the next 30 days try to make worship music the main music you listen to. To make it easy, we’ve created a curated worship playlist for you.
Want to know more about what worship is, why we worship, and why it we should worship God? Want to develop a heart of praise and worship? Check out these books to help on this journey!
The Air I Breathe by Louie Giglio
31 Days of Praise by Ruth Myers
WEEK 2 - February 25
Let’s develop a heart of worship together! Join us for the “Heart of Worship” reading plan.
Read the “Heart of Worship” reading plan with us by CLICKING HERE.
WEEK 3 - March 3
Let’s worship in song and prayer. We’re opening the auditorium this week for you to sing with the worship music that will be playing, spend time reading your bible, or pray by yourself or with others. We’ll have devotional cards available each day to guide you through your time of worship and prayer. Come, spend time at the feet of Jesus!
Auditorium Open - Monday, March 4 through Thursday, March 7, 6:00am-2:00pm
WEEK 4 - March 10
We’re wrapping up our 30 Days of Worship with a Worship Night!
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before Him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is He Who made us, and we are His;
we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.
Psalm 100:1-3
What an amazing God we have! Let's gather for a night of worship that is all about Him.
This powerful night of worship and prayer is for everyone - you, your friends, and your family.
Friday, March 15 at 7:00pm
More info HERE.